zChristmas Edition Create n Sip - Resin Art on Christmas Tree Cheeseboard with 4 coasters

zChristmas Edition Create n Sip - Resin Art on Christmas Tree Cheeseboard with 4 coasters
De la AUD 120,00 A$
  • Durata: 3 Ore (aprox.)
  • Locatie: Stapylton, QLD
  • Cod produs: PDANR1

Christmas Edition - Resin Art on Christmas Cheeseboard & Coasters 

Roll up your sleeves and create a one-of-a-kind piece of art during this Special Edition Christmas Resin Art Workshop. Enjoy a couple hours with some friends or go solo as you sip on your favourite drink and let your imagination run wild. Our experienced hosts will teach you mesmerising pouring and mixing techniques to create a beautifully unique Christmas Tree cheeseboard and coasters personalised to your own colour palette. You'll surprise yourself with your creativity! Be the cause of envy at your next Christmas party!

Pick up of your art after 48 hours, once the resin has completely dried. 

  • 3 hour Resin Art Workshop
  • All art materials including Christmas cheeseboard and Coasters, apron etc. are supplied. 
  • This workshop is BYO only, so make sure you bring along your favourite drink and nibbles to snack on while you paint

  • Participants must be 18 years and over to consume alcohol; ID may be required
  • Children 12+ years are welcome to come to sessions, but they must have an accompanying adult with them unless it is a specified teen session, in which case no adult is required to stay.